Erasmus+ celebration
On Thursday 20/12/2018, our school organized a festive event to present the European Erasmus+ projects that it has already completed or...

European school x 5
The 1st Gymnasium of Acharnes on Thursday December 20, 2018 at 10.00 am organizes a presentation event of the five European Erasmus +...

Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
You can find our project in the Erasmus+ Project Results platform: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-de...

Project MAGAZINE created by Calıca Secondary School
As Çalıca Secondary school we created project magazine including all project activities. We printed 1500 magazines. We distributed the...

Matting Workshop
Matting Workshop from old T-shirt our students'. Matting workshop was presented in city centre and our school. #activity #reuse

Some works and boards on Project

Eco-corners for each clasroom
We created eco-corners for each classroom in our school... so our students could use them to hang on their monthly works on projects...

battery competition
Çalıca Secondary School is awarded for being the fifth school in the competition of collecting waste battery in Fethiye district by...

Eco-Fashion Show (4th LTT in Turkey)
Our students created eco-clothes by waste materials with their parents. And they presented them in city centre of Fethiye. #activity...

painting wall
We are painting our school's wall with topics on environment and project. #activity #impact #dissemination

preparing dissemination tools (4th LTT in Turkey)
Our students are preparing dissemination tools for Eco-Festival to disseminate #activity

For Environment Week Celebration
Dance for Environment Week Celebration in Fethiye by organized Fethiye Municipality On 5th June dance shows that create environmental...

Pickle (4th LTT in Turkey)
We learned how to make homemade pickle in the Fourt LTT. Easy steps for pickle: The first step in making pickled vegetables is to choose...

The Fourth LTT in TURKEY between 7th and 11th May, 2018
The participants joined the workshops of Marbling Art and making Pickle, Competitions and “Eco-Survivor” among all participant students...

Eco-Festival in Fourh LTT in Turkey
The main activity of the project called Eco- Fest was held in fourh LTT in Turkey with the attendance of all partners. There were stands...