An enviromental project by
Turkey - Croatia - Poland - Greece

The First Learning/Teaching/Training activity

PROGRAM Erasmus+ KA219
“I Am Being an Ecological Person”
The First L/T/T activities’ meeting is going to be held in Acharnes, Greece, between 5th – 11th of March, 2017. Seven days in total. Two days for the trip and five days for the activities. In this meeting there will be 6 students and 2 teachers from Turkey, 8 students and 2 teachers from Croatia and 6 students and 3 teachers from Poland.
1ST DAY - SUNDAY 5/3/2017:
Transportation from the airport to the hotel (if there is a common arrival).
Arrangement in the hotel rooms.
2ND DAY - MONDAY 6/3/2017:
Visit of the Centre of Environmental Education in Lavrio, where we are going to be informed about the ways of waste management according to the ’’Nothing is wasted “ project .
Visit of the city of Lavrio (an industrial city and a trade port).
Lunch in Lavrio.
A walk and a guided tour in Sunio, a place of archeological interest and of natural beauty.
Return to the hotel.
3RD DAY - TUESDAY 7/3/2017:
Coming to school.
Going around the premises, gaming, activities at school (we are making soap, structures of recyclable materials, structures associated with the next day’s activity, taking of photos and video, sports, attendance of classes).
A walk in the city of Acharnes (archeological collection and folk museum).
Lunch at school.
Return to the hotel.
In the afternoon there is an optional walk in the centre of Athens (Syntagma-Plaka).
4TH DAY - Wednesday 8/3/2017:
Visit of the Acropolis and the museum with a guided tour (activity: Athenian public awareness of environmental problems).
A walk around Monastiraki –Thisio.
Lunch .
Optional going out in the evening.
5TH DAY - Thursday 9/3/2017:
Visit to the factory of recycling in Koropi. Students are going to watch all the stages of the procedure of recycling, from the collection of the materials, the selection, to the final processing.
Then we are visiting a bioclimatic building in which there is a commercial company in Stamata Attica. The building is certified with the European certification BREEAM. It uses geothermal and photovoltaic systems, a windtourbine, exploits the rain water and many other green applications.
Return to the school and lunch.
Return to the hotel.
Free afternoon.
6TH DAY - Friday 10/3/2017:
Visit to the cultural centre of “Stavros Niarhos”. The building and the surroundings are designed according to the principles of sustainability and viability with respect to the existing ecosystems. A tour in the interior premises of the building as well as in the Mediterranean garden and the sports facilities.
Return to the hotel.
Optional going out in the evening.
7TH DAY - Saturday 11/3/2017:
Transportation to the airport (if the time of departure is common) and farewell.