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Çalıca Ortaokulu


Çalıca Secondary School is a kind of general secondary school situated in Fethiye, city of 140,509 populations in Turkey. Çalıca Secondary School provides education for its 334 pupils with  22 teachers. The pupils are between 10 and 15 years old.

The school is 8 km to city centre of Fethiye.The area that the school is in called Karaçulha. There are a lot of greenhouses and the most of the people living here work in these greenhouses. The inhabitants in Karaçulha earn their life by  growing vegetables  especially tomato in the greenhouses and selling them.There is also a primary school called Çalıca Primary School in the same schoolyard with it.  

Some local projects take place in Çalıca Secondary School. One of them is called ‘I know my city ‘.This project was done to introduce the nature , natural resources and culture of Fethiye to pupils. A short documentary film  was recorded to make the project more effective  and to disseminate it to the other people. This Project was selected as the best project and won  an award in Muğla.With the project “ I know my city” the pupils became aware of the nature and natural beauties  of their town Fethiye.

Coordinator school

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