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PROGRAM Erasmus+ KA219

“I Am Being an Ecological Person”


The third TPM is going to be held in Acharnes, Greece, between 18th – 22th of June, 2018. Five days in total. In this meeting there will be three participants from each partner guest school and participants from hosting school.


1ST DAY - Monday 18/06/2018:

  • Transportation from the airport to the hotel 

  • Arrangement in the hotel rooms.


2ND DAY - Tuesday 19/06/2018:

  • Visit of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Ancient Agora of Athens and Keramikos Cemetery

  • Lunch

  • Free evening


3RD DAY - Wendesday 20/06/2018:

  • Meeting at school premises

  • Lunch

  • Meeting

  • Free evening


4TH DAY - Thursday 21/06/2018:

  • Meeting at school premises

  • Lunch

  • Visit of the National Garden of Athens, Zappeion, Plaka

  • Diner

5TH DAY - Friday 22/06/2018:

  • Farewell








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