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PROGRAM Erasmus+ KA219

“I Am Being an Ecological Person”


The fourth LTT is going to be held in Fethiye/ Muğla, Turkey between 6th – 12th of May, 2018. Seven days in total – two days for the trip and five days for activities. There will be 5 students and 2 teachers from Croatia, 4 students and 2 teachers from Greece, 6 students and 3 teachers from Poland, as well as students and teachers from Turkey.


1ST day (Sunday, 6th of May)

  • Transportation from the airport

  • Arrangement in the hotel rooms for teachers and  in families in Karaçulha for students


2ND day (Monday, 7th of May)

08:30 - Meeting at the hotel and departure for the school.

09:00 - Arrival to school and Welcoming Program  at the schoolyard and visiting classes

10:45 - Other activities of our students at the meeting room

11:30 - Workshop  of “Marbling Art” (Ebru Sanatı)

13:00 - Lunch at school

14.00 - Workshop of “Making Pickle”

15.00 -  Break for drinks

15.30 - Competitions and “Eco-Survivor” among all partner students.

16.30 – Departure to the hotel and the families.


3RD day (Tuesday, 8th of May)

09:00 - Meeting at the hotel and students come to the hotel by bus and walking to the city centre.

09:30 - Visiting  Fethiye  National Education Directorate, Fethiye District Governorship and Municipality.

10.00 – Preparations for Eco- festival


14:00 - Lunch at the restaurant.

15:00- Returning the Festival area and taking the materials from the area.

15:30 - Visiting to the Old Town (called Paspatur)

17:00 - Departure to the hotel and the families.


4TH day (Wednesday, 9th of May)

08:00 - Meeting at the hotel and departure  to Caretta Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre.

09:30 - Visiting Caretta Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Dalyan -Presentations and Workshops.

13:00 -Lunch in Ortaca           

14:00 -Boat tour in Dalyan for observing reeds, marsh and water eco- system and visiting “İztuzu Beach and Rock Tombs”

16:00 - Leaving for Fethiye

17:00 - Departure to the hotel and the families.

5TH day (Thursday, 10th of May)

08:00 - Meeting at the hotel and departure to school

08.30 – Meeting in front of the school with students and departure to Tangala Goat Farm

10:00 - Arrival to Tangala Goat Farm – workshops (making cheese and yoghurt) 

13:30 - Lunch

14:30 - Visiting historical places in Tlos (Tlos antique city )and the village

15:00 - Visiting the canyon “Saklıkent”

17:00 –Departure to Fethiye

6TH day (Friday, 11th of May)

08:30-Meeting at the hotel and departure to school

09:00 -Arrival to school

09:30 -Workshops of making flowerpots from old water pipes and planting flowers at the school.

11:00 - Workshops in Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association (TURMEPA) on cleaning seas and coastlines. 

13:00 – Visiting  a shop  called “Dükkan Senin” that provides the public reusing old goods free of charge for different purposes in the name of Fethiye Municipality                  

14:00 –Lunch at Hisarönü

15:00 –Sightseeing Tour

17:00 Departure to the hotel and the families.


7TH day (Saturday, 12th of May)

  • Transportations to the airport


Çalıca Secondary School 


Fethiye/ Muğla



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