Films for nature
Students have walked through the nature, took their own videos and photos and created ecological films. They have shown the films to...

Posters that promote recycling
#activity #recycling

Memories from Croatia
The students who took part in the mobility in Croatia write their experiences. by V. Izeiris, S. Fragogianis, Ch. Fafoutis Biogarden...

View: A viable alternative to waste management
Αποψη: Μια βιώσιμη εναλλακτική για τη διαχείριση των απορριμμάτων Η διαχείριση των απορριμμάτων συνδέεται άρρηκτα με την προστασία του...

20 ideas for saving water
Όλοι μας γνωρίζουμε ότι το νερό αποτελεί ένα από τα πολυτιμότερα φυσικά αγαθά του πλανήτη και ως αποτέλεσμα πρέπει να βρίσκουμε συνεχώς...

Drawing for nature
On the occasion of the Erasmus+ project "I am beeing an ecological person" the students of the school were expressed in colors and...

Greek press writes about the LTT activity in Croatia
Online press "Menidiatis": http://menidiatis.blogspot.gr/2018/04/1.html Online press "Dytiki oxthi": http://doxthi.gr/57291/stin-kroatia-...

Polish press writes about the LTT activity in Croatia
#press #dissemination

Croatian ecological society
Our project activities have been presented on the official page of national ecological society of Croatia called Lijepa naša within the...

LTT activity in Croatia

Goodbye plastic bag
Since January 1, 2018 the use of the plastic bag has been abolished in Greece. On this occasion, students found this interesting article:...

eco topics in Croatian curriculum

it's spring time!

making flowerpots
Öğrencilerimiz Teknoloji Tasarım Öğretmenimiz Özlem Ayat ile birlikte atık su borularından saksı yaptılar ve boyadılar. Bu saksılara...

Our new costumes
Our Infant School teacher and her students prepared costumes from waste materials.Within the context of Reusing and Recycling, this...