Greek press writes about the TPM in Greece
Online press Menidiatis: https://menidiatis.blogspot.com/2018/06/erasmus-1.html Online press Ditiki Oxthi: http://doxthi.gr/59954/teleyta...

3rd TPM - Greece

Artistic creations with bottles for throwing!
Czech artist Veronika Richterová found her own way to pass a loud message about environmental protection and restraint of garbage,...

Do you think they are being recycled? You make a big mistake!
1.Carton box of milk, tomato paste and juice. 2.Julled from potato chips, frozen and aluminum foil. 3.Paper napkins, handkerchiefs,...

Polish press writes about the LTT activity in Turkey
https://nasielsk.pl/info/dla-mieszkancow/zycie-codzienne/uczniowie-szkoly-podstawowej-w-cieksynie-z-wizyta-w-turcji #press #dissemination

On Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at the 2nd Gymnasium of Acharnes, the school activities of school year 2017-2018 were presented. The presence...

Turkey in Croatia
Çalıca Ortaokulu Hırvatistan’da… Projemizin üçüncü Öğrenme-Öğretme-Eğitim Hareketliliği için okulumuzdan 8 öğrenci ve 2 öğretmenimizle...

Eco-Friendly Workshops
Our students created many eco-friendly workshops on ecology. And we opened stands in city centre and some schools to show others how can...

Memories from Turkey
The greek students present their experience from visiting Turkey. by Vera Eleftheriadi Wednesday in Turkey.doc My Turkey.doc by Anastasia...