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battery competition

Çalıca Secondary School is awarded for being the fifth school in the competition of collecting waste battery in Fethiye district by collecting 145 kilogram waste batteries.The competition organized by Fethiye Municipality with the collaboration of TAP, Association of Portable Battery Manufacturers and Importers.The students were rewarded with some sport equipments.The students became very happy to take part in such an organization.

Çalıca Ortaokulu atık pil toplama yarışmasında 145 kilo atık pil toplayarak Fethiye'de beşinci oldu.Yarışma Fethiye Belediyesi ve TAP(Taşınabilir Pil Üreticileri ve İthalatçıları )Derneği işbiriğinde düzenlendi.Öğrencilerimiz spor malzemeleri ile ödüllendirildiler ve böyle bir organizasyonda yer almaktan çok mutluydular.

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