The Fourth LTT in TURKEY between 7th and 11th May, 2018
The participants joined the workshops of Marbling Art and making Pickle, Competitions and “Eco-Survivor” among all participant students took place. Sea Turtles Rescue, Research and Rehabilitation Centre in Dalyan was visited and presentations and workshops were done on sea turtles and pollution. Fethiye National Education Directorate, Fethiye District Governorship and Municipality and Tlos antique city and the village and the canyon Saklıkent, Dükkan Senin that provides reusing goods people in need were visited. Boat tour in Dalyan for observing reeds, marsh and water eco- system İztuzu Beach and Rock Tombs was done. The participants participated in workshops of cheese and yoghurt at Tangala Goat Farm and making flowerpots from water pipes and planting flowers at the school and in Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association presentation on cleaning seas and coastlines.