In this video you can watch: - Handing out the leaflets which promote the reduction of use of plastic bags, which the students did in the...

Our actions
#reduce #wastemanagement #dissemination #ecology

Talking to people of Fethiye
FOR NATURE...WRITE, DRAW,PAINT As Çalıca Secondary School we were in city centre of Fethiye to disseminate our project… DOĞA İÇİN… YAZ,...

Students have created a presentation to teach their colleagues what they have learnt in Greece. They have also made a research about...

Presentation to other schools in Fethiye
We visited 6 schools to present our project and to give information about Erasmus + programe in Fethiye/ Turkey. The hosting students and...

Memories from Greece
part 1 part 2 #dissemination

Students were guests at a local radio station to present our project and do the dissemination. #dissemination #radio

Different kinds of reducing
These are the results of researching of our project group about different kinds of reducing. The topics were presented to our students...

From the polish press for the 1st LTT in Greece
#press #dissemination

Leaflets from Croatia
Leaflets that the croatian students have designed. In a few days they are going to go to town to distribute them to people. #dissemination

The national school newspaper writes about the LTT activity in Greece
#press #dissemination

Polish online press writes about the 1st LTT in Greece
http://nasielsk.pl/info/dla-mieszkancow/zycie-codzienne/385-uczniowie-z-zespolu-szkol-nr-3-w-cieksynie-z-wizyta-w-grecji #press...

online Croatian press writes about the LTT activity in Greece

Greek online press writes about the 1st LTT in Greece
http://menidiatis.blogspot.gr/2017/03/1_17.html http://doxthi.gr/43798/1i-diakratiki-synantisi-i-am-being-an-ecological-person-sto-1o-gym...

I Am Being an Ecological Person