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Presentation to other schools in Fethiye

We visited 6 schools to present our project and to give information about Erasmus + programe in Fethiye/ Turkey.

The hosting students and teachers enjoyed watching videos about environment, learned much about nature, principles of ecological life, eco-friendly behaviours, waste management and renewable energy resources.

Our students who had visited Greece shared their experiences about tha mobility.

We had great time together while sharing our experiences and giving information about our project and activities.

Fethiye’de farklı günlerde 6 ortaokulu ziyaret ettik. Erasmus + programı ve proje konumuz olan ekolojik yaşam ve prensipleri, doğa ve doğa dostu davranışlar gibi konularda bilgilerimizi ve deneyimlerimizi paylaştık.

Projemizin ilk L/T/T hareketliliğini Yunanistan’a yaptık . Okul ziyaretlerimizi bu hareketliliğe katılan öğrencilerimizle birlikte gerçekleştirdik. Onlarda deneyimlerini öğrenci arkadaşları ile paylaştılar.

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