Goodbye plastic bag
Since January 1, 2018 the use of the plastic bag has been abolished in Greece. On this occasion, students found this interesting article:...

Greeks to Croatia - 3rd LTT activity

"The Karahmeti marriage"
Within the framework of the Erasmus + program "I am being an ecological person" the students of the program attended the theatrical...

Parents are informed
In the context of the regular briefing of our students' parents with the completion of the first academic semester, the school's director...

The students of the project studied the greek curriculum and identified the ecological issues it deals with. PHYSICS C grade (3rd) the...

Parnitha - our mountain
The students of the project who wanted to get to know better the mountain Parnitha, our national park, half an hour away from school,...

Bazaar 2017
On Friday, 22/12/2017, the last day of the school before the Christmas holidays, students of the Erasmus+ "I am being an ecological...

«Ανακύκλωση συσκευασιών στους μπλε κάδους….. και τίποτα δεν πάει χαμένο.»
Με αυτό το έξυπνο και εύστοχο μότο η ΕΕΑΑ μας καλεί να συμβάλουμε στην εκστρατεία σωστής και επωφελούς διαχείρισης των απορριμμάτων ...

Η μαγεία των χρωμάτων και της φύσης στην έκθεση Van Gogh Alive
Την Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου η μαθητική ομάδα του προγράμματος «I am being an ecological person» επισκέφτηκε την έκθεση Van Gogh Alive στο...

Περιβαλλοντικοί πρόσφυγες
Γιατί η μητέρα Γη διώχνει τα παιδιά της; Μήπως η κύρια αιτία των μεγάλων μετακινήσεων πληθυσμού, του μεγάλου κύματος των μεταναστών της...

Memories form Poland #4
Greek students present their experiences during the 2nd LTT to Poland: AFZAL KIZAR ODISEAS TOPALIDIS part1 part 2 #mobility

Memories from Poland #3
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. DIMITRIS CHRISTOU #mobility

Memories from Poland #2
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. ELEFTHERIA MITIKA The Second Learning/Teaching/Training...

Memories from Poland #1
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. ALEXANDRA SAVOULIDOU Ταξίδι στην Πολωνία με το Erasmus+...

The greek press writes about the 2nd LTT in Poland
Ηλεκτρονική εφημερίδα ΜΕΝΙΔΙΑΤΗΣ http://menidiatis.blogspot.gr/2017/10/erasmus-1_12.html Ηλεκτρονική εφημερίδα ΔΥΤΙΚΗ ΟΧΘΗ...