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The students of the project studied the greek curriculum and identified the ecological issues it deals with.


C grade (3rd)

the capital "electrical energy" refers to the way of saving energy and the consequences of inconsiderate use



C grade

the capital "Acids -Bases - salts" refers to the phenomenon of acid rain (how is caused, the effects and how we can minimize)

B grade (2nd)

chapter 2 includes the pollution of water and ways of dealing with it



C grade

Unit III

3.4. Production and environment pg: 115

Unit VI

Primary production sector

4.9. Renewable sources of energy - Towards an Agriculture based on energy...165

  1. Advantages of renewable sources of energy....166

  2. Prospects of utilization of renewable sources….168

  3. Energy and applications of renewable sources of energy...169



Grades A



The visual arts have to do with the environment and nature as a reference to the use of various natural materials in all grades (at the end of each chapter materials are listed), and that the nature and the environment is a source of inspiration. Also the way we see the light is an integral part of the environment.

A grade


f. Stories about colour. Colour in Art History and Culture.

UNIT 5. MY REALITY: Drawing from nature.

a. I see the world from the beginning. Analysis of the image. Materials.

b. Compare Harmonization of sizes.

c. The play of light and shadows. Shadow

d. Creative, expressive design

e. The Man. Movement and proportions

f. Portrait ... Proportions and characteristics

g. Social and human. Social effects in portrait.

UNIT 7. CLAY Plastic. Ancient Civilisations.

a. clay creations. Sense and Symbolism

b. Mold. Tools and techniques.

c. With spaghetti and leaf

d. Form and decoration

e. With the soil, water and fire. Stages in the history of pottery.

f. Relief.

g. In many aspects. Periopto.

h. Three-dimensional art.

B grade

Second Grade


TOPIC 2: The paper and its techniques.

2.1. The history of paper.

2.2. Recycle and handmade paper.

2.3. The paper on traditional artistic creations.

2.4. The paper in artistic works.

2.5. Proposals for constructions with paper and paperboard.

2.6. The papier mache.

TOPIC 3: Mosaic - Sculpture in wood.

3.1. The mosaic

3.2. The mosaics and history.

3.3. Construction of mosaic.

3.4. The sculpture in wood in the history of civilizations.

3.5. The woodwork in the Greek tradition.

3.6. The art of wood carving.

C grade


ITEM 1: Light and shadows.

1.1.a. Light through science.

1.1.v. Light and shadows.

1.2.a. Light and shadows in painting.

1.2.v. Light in other arts.

1.3. Light and shadows in the paintings.


Social and Political Education

C grade

UNIT: Social problems

Course: Poverty, unemployment, consumerism, consumer education.

Consumerism leads to overconsumption of natural environment which leads to depletion of natural resources, which in turn leads to poverty and malnutrition.

Consumer education sensitize citizens as to their ecological risks and the need for viable sustainable development.


Home Economics

A grade

Basic concepts of ecology.

Natural resources.

Energy sources (renewable or not).

Ecological problems: air pollution (the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole, smog, acid rain) water pollution, solid waste.

Housing in rural and urban environment; Noise pollution.

Indoor Pollutants.

Ecological building design.



A grade

People and ecosystems - ecological problems.

Natural resources - renewable and non-energy sources.

Overexploitation of natural resources.

Grade B

The production and consumption of energy in Europe.

Grade C

Unit: "Young people and the environment".

There is a dialogue between four friends who want to go to the international exhibition of Zaragoza, about the subject of water and sustainable development (2011). They learn how to conserve water and how to recycle.

At the end of the unit, they run through the planet and indicate the causes that destroy it, and the ways in which it can be saved. Students suggest the ways through writing exercises and paragraphs as a brief exposition.



Grade A

Grade B

The literary texts in textbooks are divided in units. One of these units is entitled "Man and Nature-City- Countryside." The unit contains four texts, one novel and three poems. In the introduction, there is a note which highlights the beauty of nature, its importance to human life and the need to be protected.

Apart from the specific unit that has a direct relationship with nature, there are units that include texts on sport, the problems of contemporary life, animals, folklore issues and travel memories. These texts although they are indirectly connected to ecology are clearly orientated to create environmental awareness.

Grade C

The literary texts included in the textbook are in chronological succession and are grouped by literary schools. They have a clear orientation to form attitudes and only in a few of them there are any environmental cues.



Grade A

In the units of history there are references to economic, social and scientific developments as well as to ecological issues.

Modern Greek

Grade A

There are three units - out of ten - which have as a subject ecology: A journey to the world of nature- I take care of my nutrition and health - Sports.

Grade B

Grade C

There is no unit that refers to ecology and nature. There are many texts that are used as examples for grammar exercises with ecological content.


Social and Political Education

Grade C

In the book there are 14 chapters, 2 of which are about ecological issues. In the chapter "social problems" the problem of excessive consumerism and unnecessary destruction of nature to satisfy humans is raised. In the chapter "rights and obligations of citizenship" the obligations of every citizen towards nature and the environment are clearly indicated.

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