The ecological garden
Ο οικολογικός κήπος είναι το μικρό οικοσύστημα του κήπου ή της αυλής που επιδιώκει να μιμηθεί τα φυσικά οικοσυστήματα χωρίς να χάνει την...

Reduce (Azaltmak)
3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) Ekolojik Ayakizimizi(dünya üzerindeki etkimizi) siyah renkten proje logomuzdaki gibi yeşile doğru götürmek...

Students were guests at a local radio station to present our project and do the dissemination. #dissemination #radio

Eco slogans

What we throw in the blue recycling bin
ΤΙ ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΤΟΝ ΜΠΛΕ ΚΑΔΟ; Στον μπλε κάδο μπορείς να ανακυκλώσεις όλες τις συσκευασίες από πλαστικό, χαρτί, γυαλί, αλουµίνιο ή...

Different kinds of reducing
These are the results of researching of our project group about different kinds of reducing. The topics were presented to our students...

From the polish press for the 1st LTT in Greece
#press #dissemination

Leaflets from Croatia
Leaflets that the croatian students have designed. In a few days they are going to go to town to distribute them to people. #dissemination

Turkish students write about the 1st LTT in Greece
Projemiz kapsamında Waste Management(Atık Yönetimi) ve Renewable Energy Sources (Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları) konu başlıklı...

Tree instead of electrowaste
In our school there was a collection of electrowaste between the days 10th and 14th of April. We were collecting used batteries, old and...

The national school newspaper writes about the LTT activity in Greece
#press #dissemination

Polish online press writes about the 1st LTT in Greece
http://nasielsk.pl/info/dla-mieszkancow/zycie-codzienne/385-uczniowie-z-zespolu-szkol-nr-3-w-cieksynie-z-wizyta-w-grecji #press...

Leaflets for reduce