20 ideas for saving water
Όλοι μας γνωρίζουμε ότι το νερό αποτελεί ένα από τα πολυτιμότερα φυσικά αγαθά του πλανήτη και ως αποτέλεσμα πρέπει να βρίσκουμε συνεχώς...

Reuse activities
Students have created some new objects by using different reusable materials - a basket for a dog from milk carton, a pencil box from...

Reduce activities from Poland
The REDUCE film is a summary of the activities that are associated with this activity. Students were preparing presentations on saving...

Our actions
#reduce #wastemanagement #dissemination #ecology

Students have created a presentation to teach their colleagues what they have learnt in Greece. They have also made a research about...

Nothing is wasted! (from the Environmental Education Center of Lavrio)
You can find here the informative material from the activities that took place in the Enviromental Education Center of Lavrio. Household...

Reduce (Azaltmak)
3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) Ekolojik Ayakizimizi(dünya üzerindeki etkimizi) siyah renkten proje logomuzdaki gibi yeşile doğru götürmek...

Different kinds of reducing
These are the results of researching of our project group about different kinds of reducing. The topics were presented to our students...

Tree instead of electrowaste
In our school there was a collection of electrowaste between the days 10th and 14th of April. We were collecting used batteries, old and...

Leaflets for reduce

Croatia reduces
Some of the eco stickers about Reduce that have been distributed to all the students and their families. #reduce

Poland reduces
Σήμερα η οικολογική ομάδα θα δείξει το καλλιτεχνικό της ταλέντο! Συγκεντρώνουμε μολύβια, χαρτόνια, μαρκαδόρους και χρώματα και...