We organized a competation for participants who joined LTT in Turkey. The students tried to complete the puzzle that had flags of...

Making Yoghurt and Cheese
Participants of fourth LTT in Turkey learned steps of making yoghurt and cheese. Instructions for yoghurt 1. Heat the milk. 2. Cool the...

Parking Place For Bikes in Schoolyard
A Parking place for our students’ bicycles was built in our school garden to make them come to school by bike and gain the habit of...

Stair Stickers
The Stair stickers including the information of the partners, some tittles and slogans on the project was desinged and sticked on some...

Cloth Banner
Cloth and cloth dyers were bought for the students ecological works for the first year project and the students also prepared the banner...

Turkey in Croatia
Çalıca Ortaokulu Hırvatistan’da… Projemizin üçüncü Öğrenme-Öğretme-Eğitim Hareketliliği için okulumuzdan 8 öğrenci ve 2 öğretmenimizle...

Eco-Friendly Workshops
Our students created many eco-friendly workshops on ecology. And we opened stands in city centre and some schools to show others how can...

making flowerpots
Öğrencilerimiz Teknoloji Tasarım Öğretmenimiz Özlem Ayat ile birlikte atık su borularından saksı yaptılar ve boyadılar. Bu saksılara...

Our new costumes
Our Infant School teacher and her students prepared costumes from waste materials.Within the context of Reusing and Recycling, this...

DOĞA için DANS ET… Öğrencilerimizle çevresel farkındalık oluşturmak, etkili bir şekilde doğaya dikkat çekebilmek için dans ediyoruz…Hem...

DOĞA İÇİN ÇAL... Yoğurt kapları, şişeler gibi evimizde kullanmadığımız ama artık atık olan malzemelerden ritim çalgıları yapıypruz ve...

we are going to Croatia!
Haritamızı Kendimiz Çizdik… Öğrencilerimiz proje haritamızı kendileri çizdiler ve projemizin tüm ortak okullarının yer aldığı ülkeleri...

Shelters for cats
Turkish students made shelters for cats from plastic containers to protect cats from rain and cold weather. By using waste plastic...

Turkish students prepared “Recycle Board” with recyclable waste materials of glass, paper, cans, plastic and batteries. #recycling

Bookmarks with Quilling Art
We associate our project with our school curriculum. As Çalıca Secondary School, 7th grade students made made bookmarks from quillings...