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english in ecology

In the framework of the cross-curricular approach, a further outcome of our project is a text on recycling followed by two activities, which check the student's reading comprehension and acquisition of vocabulary. Enjoy them!!!!

Recycling facts

  • Recycling is the process of turning used waste and materials into new products. This prevents potentially useful materials from being wasted as well as reducing energy use and pollution.

  • Recycling is part of the waste disposal hierarchy - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

  • A wide variety of different materials can be recycled, including paper, plastic, glass, metal, textiles and electronic equipment.

  • The idea of recycling isn’t something new, historical evidence shows that humans have been recycling various materials for thousands of years.

  • There are different methods of waste collection. These include drop off centres (where waste materials are dropped off at a specified location), buy back centres (where certain materials are exchanged for money), and curbside collection (where recycling vehicles are used to pick up waste material intended for recycling along residential streets).

  • Powerful magnets are used to sort through different types of metals.

  • Recycled paper can be made from three different types of paper; mill broke (paper scrap and trimmings), pre-consumer waste (paper that was discarded before consumer use), and post-consumer waste (paper discarded after consumer use, such as old newspapers).

  • Recycling plastic can be more difficult than other materials and plastics are not typically recycled into the same type of plastic.

  • Recycling old aluminium uses only 5% of the energy used to make new aluminium.

  • Aluminium can be recycled from cans, bicycles, computers, cookware, wires, cars, planes and other sources.

  • Glass recycling is often separated into colours because glass keeps its colour after recycling.

  • For every ton of recycled glass turned into new products, 315 kilograms of extra carbon dioxide that would have been released during the creation of new glass are saved


A. Fill in the missing information according to the text

  1. This text is about _______________

  2. A wide variety of materials like _____________, ___________, and ___________ can be recycled.

  3. _______________________ are used to sort through different types of metals.

  4. Recycled paper can be made from ___________ different kinds of paper.

  5. Recycling plastic is more ____________ than recycling other materials.

  6. Aluminium can be recycled from ___________and _______________.

  7. Glass is recycled according to its ___________.

B. Choose words from the box to fill in the sentences

glass recharge pollution reuse litter

  1. Use less paper means _______________ the paper you use.

  2. The things we recycle are aluminium, paper and ____________.

  3. We use the school bus to reduce air ________________.

  4. The other word for rubbish is ___________________.

  5. What can we do with old batteries? ____________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___­­­­­­ them.

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