Reuse posters
Students have created them to make presentations for other students and to put up the new eco corner. #reuse

Reuse activities
Students have created some new objects by using different reusable materials - a basket for a dog from milk carton, a pencil box from...

Bazaar 2017
On Friday, 22/12/2017, the last day of the school before the Christmas holidays, students of the Erasmus+ "I am being an ecological...

«Ανακύκλωση συσκευασιών στους μπλε κάδους….. και τίποτα δεν πάει χαμένο.»
Με αυτό το έξυπνο και εύστοχο μότο η ΕΕΑΑ μας καλεί να συμβάλουμε στην εκστρατεία σωστής και επωφελούς διαχείρισης των απορριμμάτων ...

Η μαγεία των χρωμάτων και της φύσης στην έκθεση Van Gogh Alive
Την Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου η μαθητική ομάδα του προγράμματος «I am being an ecological person» επισκέφτηκε την έκθεση Van Gogh Alive στο...

Περιβαλλοντικοί πρόσφυγες
Γιατί η μητέρα Γη διώχνει τα παιδιά της; Μήπως η κύρια αιτία των μεγάλων μετακινήσεων πληθυσμού, του μεγάλου κύματος των μεταναστών της...

Memories form Poland #4
Greek students present their experiences during the 2nd LTT to Poland: AFZAL KIZAR ODISEAS TOPALIDIS part1 part 2 #mobility

Memories from Poland #3
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. DIMITRIS CHRISTOU #mobility

Memories from Poland #2
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. ELEFTHERIA MITIKA The Second Learning/Teaching/Training...

Memories from Poland #1
Greek students write down their memories from the 2nd LTT activity to Poland. ALEXANDRA SAVOULIDOU Ταξίδι στην Πολωνία με το Erasmus+...

we are going to Croatia!
Haritamızı Kendimiz Çizdik… Öğrencilerimiz proje haritamızı kendileri çizdiler ve projemizin tüm ortak okullarının yer aldığı ülkeleri...

2nd LTT in Poland

A scrapbook with memories from the 2 LTT activity in Poland
Croatian students have connected with Greek and Polish students and they have created a scrapbook with their memories form the 2nd LTT...

Shelters for cats
Turkish students made shelters for cats from plastic containers to protect cats from rain and cold weather. By using waste plastic...