Do you think they are being recycled? You make a big mistake!
1.Carton box of milk, tomato paste and juice. 2.Julled from potato chips, frozen and aluminum foil. 3.Paper napkins, handkerchiefs,...

Do you recycle?
An activity about recycling. #activity #recycling

Posters that promote recycling
#activity #recycling

Our new costumes
Our Infant School teacher and her students prepared costumes from waste materials.Within the context of Reusing and Recycling, this...

Discussion panel about recycling
Students in all classes had workshops about recycling. They are more aware that we have to use recycled materials to be ecological...

Help school – clean our world
It was an action to pick up the electro – waste in our local area. We collected 900 kilos of that kind of rubbish. We got some money from...

Wall – news - sheet about recycling
Students from project group prepared wall – news - sheets about recycling. Thanks to them pupils, teachers, parents became more conscious...

«Ανακύκλωση συσκευασιών στους μπλε κάδους….. και τίποτα δεν πάει χαμένο.»
Με αυτό το έξυπνο και εύστοχο μότο η ΕΕΑΑ μας καλεί να συμβάλουμε στην εκστρατεία σωστής και επωφελούς διαχείρισης των απορριμμάτων ...

Turkish students prepared “Recycle Board” with recyclable waste materials of glass, paper, cans, plastic and batteries. #recycling

Nothing is wasted! (from the Environmental Education Center of Lavrio)
You can find here the informative material from the activities that took place in the Enviromental Education Center of Lavrio. Household...

What we throw in the blue recycling bin
ΤΙ ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΤΟΝ ΜΠΛΕ ΚΑΔΟ; Στον μπλε κάδο μπορείς να ανακυκλώσεις όλες τις συσκευασίες από πλαστικό, χαρτί, γυαλί, αλουµίνιο ή...

Tree instead of electrowaste
In our school there was a collection of electrowaste between the days 10th and 14th of April. We were collecting used batteries, old and...

Domestic waste and recycling
WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLING -GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM Fen Blimleri öğretmenimiz Hale Ovayurt Yellice’nin projemiz kapsamında ders ünitesiyle...

Recycled paper and a party
In November our students had a party. They brought recycled paper with themselves. It worth to be an ecological person because it’s also...