Reduce activities from Poland
The REDUCE film is a summary of the activities that are associated with this activity. Students were preparing presentations on saving...

School garden
Around our school we have a lot of terrain that has been developed in a deliberate way. In common forces teachers and students set up a...

Cycling in Poland
#cycling #dissemination

Slogans from Poland
Students from The Erasmus+ project within their activities prepared slogans promoting ecological behaviours. In order to practise...

My family is eco!!!
Each human has got an ability to take care about the environment. We can do it every day, it isn't complicated or difficult to achieve....

Our actions
#reduce #wastemanagement #dissemination #ecology

Memories from Greece
part 1 part 2 #dissemination

From the polish press for the 1st LTT in Greece
#press #dissemination

Tree instead of electrowaste
In our school there was a collection of electrowaste between the days 10th and 14th of April. We were collecting used batteries, old and...

Polish online press writes about the 1st LTT in Greece
http://nasielsk.pl/info/dla-mieszkancow/zycie-codzienne/385-uczniowie-z-zespolu-szkol-nr-3-w-cieksynie-z-wizyta-w-grecji #press...

Leaflets for reduce

Poland reduces

Poland in Greece